Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Disease: Fairy Rings

How to prevent and control fungal fairy rings

A great deal of mythology surrounds fairy rings, but they are not caused by witches or lightning. A classic fairy ring is simply a circle of fungi fruiting bodies (‘mushrooms’). Other times, it is a dark green ring of lush grass or a ring of brown, dying grass.

Most of the action is going on underground where fungal mycelia grow outwards from a central point such as an old tree or other woody organic material. Sometimes this ‘fungal mat’ causes soil to resist water, resulting in the dead ring symptom. The fungi grow on organic matter within the soil, but only the outer edge of the fungal ring is alive. Inside, the mycelium dies and the grass looks relatively normal. But outside the ring the grass is lush, as the fungi return nutrients to the soil.


Fork your lawn to improve water penetration and aeration

Rake your lawn to reduce thatch

Promote soil micro-organisms, which may feed on fungal mycelium, by increasing the organic content of the soil


Remove mushrooms to prevent spores spreading

Water and fertilise affected areas to promote grass growth

Reseed dead areas

Fungicides registered specifically against fairy rings are available only to golf courses under special permit

The only way to completely get rid of the problem is to remove soil and grass down to a depth of 30cm and replace with fresh soil.

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