Monday, September 2, 2013

How to Choose Hanging Baskets

Liven up your outdoor space with baskets full of flowers and foliage.

Moss-filled baskets planted with an array of summer flowers look glorious in any garden. Despite our hot and dry climate, it is possible to grow wonderful balls of colour in the summer months that will last well into autumn – simply follow our expert tips.
Designing a basket

When choosing plants, keep in mind your climatic conditions and colour schemes. The first step is determining where you want to hang your basket and how much light you have: is it in full sun, part sun, or full shade? Is it windy or sheltered? Not all plants grow well in baskets so check with your local nursery before selecting those you like. Most baskets are viewed from below, so use the sides and bottom of your basket as well as the top.

Choose harmonious colours to suit your space and remember that you are making a three-dimensional display. Also consider fragrance; scented plants will add a delicate perfume to your outdoor area. Have fun choosing pretty plants to mix and match, bearing in mind that they should all like the same growing conditions, to suit the spot you have in mind.

Plants should be planted much closer together in a basket than they would be in a fl owerbed. Include a variety of colours, shapes and textures. Spill-over plants should be planted at the edges, while bushy plants work best at the centre or back of a basket.
Choosing a basket

Wire or wicker baskets can be planted up to give a fabulous effect. Choose containers that suit the style and
character of your home. Baskets should be wide and deep, and curved on the bottom. The larger the basket, the longer it will take to dry out and the less you will have to water it. A 35cm diameter basket is the best size for general use. Wire baskets are normally open-sided and need to be lined with moss to help retain moisture.
Choosing a basket liner

The trick to a successful hanging basket is in the liner. Sphagnum moss liner is excellent as it retains the moisture within the basket. Soak the sphagnum to moisten it then apply as a 2cm-thick layer over all sides of the basket. Keep it moist throughout summer. Don't worry if clumps of moss fall out as you water – this is normal for the first few days.
Choosing potting mix

Hanging baskets dry out very quickly as they are exposed on all sides to sun and wind. Use special potting mix developed for hanging baskets; this contains water crystals and controlled-release fertiliser. Whereas in the heat of the summer you would usually need to water baskets twice a day, water crystals soak up water and then slowly release it into the soil as it dries out, meaning plants can often go two to three days without a watering.
Succulent baskets for full sun

Succulents always look good and are easy to grow in warm climates. Their leaves hold water so they are 'set and forget' plants, making them great for beginners. For unity, balance and simplicity choose one type of succulent. Echeveria Violet Queen (pictured above) is loved for its iridescent violet leaves, which form tight rosettes that look like flowers. Use a good-quality potting mix and plant in any container.
Cottage flower baskets for semi-shaded areas

Plant a collection of soft foliages, delicate flowers and spill-overs in a basket to create old-world charm. Watch the flowers grow – they will slowly spill over and fill the basket, expanding gradually into a huge ball of delicate flowers.

Plants are divided into two types – spill-overs and taller, more bulky plants – make sure you have at least one of each in your basket. Spill-overs such as ivy geranium trail nicely, and produce bright green shiny, ivy-shaped leaves to soften the sides of a basket. The lobelia is a versatile little plant and much hardier than it looks, thriving in summer heat and lasting well into autumn.

Create a blue and white hanging basket with the trailing varieties Blue Lightning and Compact White; both look great in baskets. Taller plants such as fuchsias add extra interest, producing long, drooping stems that are loaded with red and violet flowers for most of the year.
Shady foliage baskets

Plants with colourful foliage give extra impact. The plum-coloured foliage of Heuchera Purple Palace carpets a wicker basket delightfully. The vertical accent of plum-coloured cordyline provides contrast to the delicate heads of winter rose (Helleborus orientalis). Coleus have multi-coloured foliage, spotted with deep amethyst, lipstick pink, carmine, lime and gold to liven up a shady spot.

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