Tuesday, September 3, 2013

How to Make a Water Garden

Create your own water garden with this simple step-by-step

Make waterlilies the stand-out feature of your garden.

1. Getting started

Position water bowl in a spot where it will receive five to seven hours of sunlight a day. Place waterlilly in bowl.

2. Fill the bowl

Fill bowl with a slow-running hose, also adding water ager.

3. Add plants

Add other water plants to the bowl, as companions for the waterlily. The right choice of plants will help to create a balanced ecological environment in the water.

4. Prepare fish

Place sealed bag of fish into water bowl to allow them to adjust to the temperature. After about 10 minutes, slowly release fish into bowl. (Fish feed off mosquito larvae, and so contribute to the ecological balance.)

5. Feed your plant

Feed your waterlilies with fertiliser every eight weeks during the growing season. Waterlilies flower from October through to March/April. Feed fish with a pinch of fish food twice a week.

More Home Decoration Tips: If you want to know more about home decoration tips, please refer to Bedding Talks Blog to get more ideas.
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